Easter Schedule at Kameari Catholic Church


April 13, 2006 : Mass starts from 19:00


On this occasion, a day before Jesus Christ died, the last supper was given to his disciples. On this mass could be done also a ceremony of foot washing. This ceremony means that according to Catholic law, through this ceremony we could love each other like Jesus loves us through His example washing the foot of His disciples.




April 14, 2006 : Ceremony starts from 19:00


Remembering Jesus Christ on  after the decision of dead punishment. On this day there is no mass but only reading the story of sacrifice of Jesus Christ, praying together, remembering the route of when Jesus Cristt has to burden the cross by Himself.


This day is a Fasting day and Abstinence. A fasting means eat only once a day and a small portion in the morning and one more a very light meal.


This activities should be done by whom with the age of bellow 60 years old.

An Abstinence means we could not eat meal but could be changed by another form of food. A symbol of love and wisdom, loyal to our religion and also a symbol of controlling our passion or desire.

This activities should be done by whom with the age of more than 14 years old.




April 15, 2006 : Ceremony starts from 19:00


Commemorating the death of Jeasu Christ


There will be no mass on this day.


Then remembering together the risen of Jesus Christ from the death.


The ceremony is the top of all kind ceremonies with long words telling all the histories the God  helps us.



April 16, 2006


Easter Mass starts from 09.30 morning

To whom wants to help the preparation of mass and celebrating after mass, please come voluntary  in advance from 08.00 morning.