Japan Indonesia Economic Seminar on October 8, 2003 at Hotel Okura Tokyo resulting a big ideas of improvement of Indonesia economic for the near future. Vice Ambassador Deddy Sudarman giving an introductory remarks on the opening of the Seminar with some speakers on the right, such as Investment Minister, Theo Toeminion, ready to explain all the latest issues in Indonesia for Japanese investors. About 150 participants attending the seminar from Small and Medium Enterprises in Japan including bankers and research people. (Photo SuratkabarCom)
First JIEF Economic Seminar
Date/Time | :
October 8, 2003 / 9am-1pm Theme: Mutual Benefit SME Supporting Industry to Strengthen Japan-Indonesia Economic Cooperation SME = Small and Medium Enterprises
Sub-Theme: Japanese Supporting Industries Assisting, Strengthening and Preparing Independent Local SME in Indonesia to the Benefit of Japanese Main Industry in Indonesia
Executive Committee | : | Indonesia-Japan Economic Committee, Indonesian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (IJEC-KADIN), Jakarta
Japan Indonesia Economic Forum, Tokyo
Languages | : |
Japanese, English, Bahasa Indonesia
Expecting Visitors | :
200 Participants, Japanese Executives
Moderator | :
Mr. Toshihisa Komaki (Nikkei Shimbun)
REGISTER for Attending Seminar in HERE !
This is the first series of a seminar and we will emphasize on Automotive industry and Electronic industry. We will make another seminar emphasizing on a different sectors such as natural resources (gas, oil, petroleum, etc.etc), handicraft industries, chemical industries, fashion industries, textile industries, paper industries, plastic industries, etc.etc.