Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the officially name of this Forum?
Japan Indonesia Economic Forum
2. Where and when is the establishment?
Tokyo, April 16, 2003
3. Whose idea and who are involved on this establishment?
The original idea is come from Indonesian Ambassador to Japan, HE. Moh. Abdul Irsan. Implementation of the establishment of the Forum was done by Richard Susilo, Leila Djawas .
4. Why we should establish this Forum?
To gain more understanding, friendship and cooperation between Japanese people and Indonesian, particularly on the economic and financial sector. This is the first economic forum established in Japan with strong and specific relations with three items: Japan, Indonesia and economy/financial.
5. Who could become a member of this Forum?
All persons who domicile or live in Japan, without limitation anything, especially which has relations with economy/financial, and business sector, including analysts who have an interest to develop mutual benefit relations between Japan and Indonesia.
6. What is the different between this Forum and another established Forum?
This Forum is the first on this specific economic/financial area for Japan and Indonesia with the flexible characteristic, unstructured. Means, only team will run this Forum and later on there will be no Coordinator and no other position, except Honorary Chairman and Members only. On the activities, a Team will deliver an idea and will be considered together, and if feasible, also approved by the Team, then the person who has launched the idea will become a person who will responsible to the Forum and the future specific project. All members will hand in hand, working together to the success of the future project initiated by the Forum.
7. If I live outside Japan, could I become a member of this Forum?
8. How about if now I live in Japan, became a member and next year, for example, I have to return to Indonesia?
Your membership automatically will be deleted. But we will continuously send information about this forum to you, for example, through email.
9. How to become a member and should I pay for it?
Just fill in the application from herein and there will be no charge (free) to become a member.
10. How to collect some funds to run this Forum?
From sponsors, all persons or organizations who sympathize on this Forum, donators, etc.etc.