- This Forum called Japan Indonesia Economic Forum is established to promote more Indonesia to especially Japanese society. For the first activity we would like to commemorate the establishment of this forum by making the Seminar - particularly on the economic development of the Republic of Indonesia, on October 2003, fully supported by Indonesian Embassy in Japan.
This opportunity hopefully could gain a sympathy and could become as a pivotal moment to increase more awareness to both Indonesian and Japanese people to work together, hand in hand and heart to heart toward the bright future of us.
The Forum will exist forever. It's a flexible forum particularly for Japanese people who has an intention to Indonesia especially on the economic/financial sector.
The activities will be inline with the promotion of all aspects of Indonesia in Japanese society, respectively in the business sector. Therefore another activities for this Forum will be established later after several discussion and consideration.
The management of this Forum later on will be only an informal coordination and NOT structured, but very flexible, who ever wants to run the activities on behalf of the Forum is welcomed, after consideration of the team. It means, the Forum will be taken care by the TEAM and not by a coordinator neither by a single person.
Wisely to say, the position of Honorary Chairman is always there.
Forum ini bernama Forum Ekonomi Jepang-Indonesia, untuk mempromosikan segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan Indonesia di masyarakat Jepang. Sebagai aktivitas pertama dan sebagai tanda dimulainya forum ini, kami menyelenggarakan seminar ekonomi pada bulan Oktober 2003, bekerjasama dengan Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Jepang.
Kesempatan ini diharapkan dapat menarik perhatian serta simpati rakyat Jepang dan bisa meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat bersama dalam upaya lebih mempererat persahabatan antara rakyat Indonesia dan rakyat Jepang di masa mendatang.
Tokyo, 16 April 2003
Membership on this Forum is widely opened to everyone who has a sympathy both to Indonesia and Japan. There will be no limitation in all terms and no charge to become a member to this Forum.
The person who wants to support and strengthen the relations between
Indonesia and Japan is highly recommended.
Supported by: Indonesian Embassy to Japan 1. Coordinator 2. Secretary 3. Members
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| Richard Susilo (Tokyo) Leila Djawas (Tokyo) Toshihisa Komaki (Tokyo), Kenji Haramiishi (Tokyo), Shujiro Urata (Tokyo), Toshihiko Kinoshita (Tokyo), Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi (Yokohama), Noboru Hatakeyama (Tokyo), Osamu Watanabe (Tokyo), Takao Kawakami (Tokyo),
Yoshikazu Ikeda (Tokyo), Hajime Kinoshita (Osaka), Tsutomu Nakagawa (Yokohama), Shosaku Yasui (Tokyo).