This Fair (the 9th Japan Education Fair in Indonesia) is designed to provide the Indonesian students and educators with up-to-date and correct information about the Japanese education and research by participating institutions and organizations in order to help the students select appropriate schools and achieve their academic pursuits, thereby promoting study in Japan .
Based on the educational relations, learning and studying not only the language but also the culture, both countries Indonesia and Japan, the people, could proceed more, a much better relations in the future by using a better capable (foreign) language knowledge. "Kokoro kara kokoro he". "Dari hati ke hati". This is our basic mission and philosophy to proceed this activities for both countries. | NEWS
Kami mengundang semua siswa, murid, pelajar, mahasiswa termasuk para orangtua untuk hadir pada acara Japan Education Fair (JEF). Hadir 17 sekolah dari Jepang.
Kesempatan telah kami sediakan dan menantikan kehadiran anda.
JEF tanggal 26 February 2012 (Sunday, 10:00-18:00) kami adakan hanya di satu tempat, Hotel SariPanPacific, Jl. MH Thamrin No.6 Jakarta . .
Mengenal Pendidikan Jepang langsung dengan menghadirkan beberapa sekolah Jepang ke Indonesia
Hadir dalam ACARA ini tidak dipungut biaya apa pun. Tetapi PENDAFTARAN harus dilakukan dan kerjasama anda sangatlah kami harapkan.
Kursi Sangat Terbatas, Daftarkan Secepatnya Nama Saudara!
Baca FAQ Penting!